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Organized Retail Crime

Expertise and Thought Leadership
John Matas is a prominent thought leader in Organized Retail Crime (ORC), bringing over 30 years of experience in asset protection and security. With his unique background in physical asset protection operations, financial crime investigations, and digital fraud John's career is marked by his energetic, intelligent, and inspiring leadership, which has earned him recognition as one of the nation's leading voices.


Evolution and Impact of ORC
BLACKLIGHT offers a compelling narrative on the dramatic changes in ORC techniques over the years. His insights reveal how organized criminals have increasingly leveraged omnichannel commerce and anonymous fencing of merchandise. The sophistication of these operations now includes cybercrime, fraudulent gift cards, credit card fraud, identity theft, and website hacking, demonstrating the extensive reach and evolving tactics of ORC.

John emphasizes the "never-ending game of cat and mouse" that retailers face, necessitating a constant evolution in security strategies. He advocates for proactive measures, highlighting the importance of staying relevant with new computing and network technologies and using reverse engineering to outpace criminal activities. His strategic approach favors offensive maneuvers over defensive reactions, aiming for more effective and lasting results.

Legislative Advocacy and National Coordination

John Matas is a vocal advocate for enhanced resources and legislation to combat ORC. He articulates the significant impact of ORC on the retail sector, including its detrimental effects on reputation, brand integrity, and financial stability. John's wish list for addressing ORC includes:

  • Federal Legislation: Enactment and enforcement of official federal legislation on ORC at all levels.

  • Legislative Understanding: Increased awareness among legislators about the true financial impact of ORC on the retail economy, potentially leading to earmarked funding for law enforcement efforts.

  • National ORCA Network: Creation of a master national ORCA network and database, consolidating information from regional anti-ORC consortiums to provide comprehensive insights into nationwide ORC activities.

  • John's vision extends beyond state-level efforts, advocating for a coordinated global and national approach to deter and prosecute ORC operations effectively.


Leadership and Mentorship in ORC

​At the forefront of retail efforts against ORC, John Matas leads initiatives to fend off and prosecute ORC operators. John's passion for his work is evident as he encourages others in the field to engage actively in identifying and deterring ORC activities. He stresses the importance of training, experience, and mentorship in developing the next generation of loss prevention professionals.

John's comprehensive approach combines collaboration, legislation, and technology to tackle ORC, underscoring the critical role of leadership in these efforts. His deep understanding of ORC's impact on the retail sector and his strategic insights make him an invaluable resource for developing high-performing ORC teams.





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